Having the skills of communication is needed in order to survive everyday in everything that one does. In sports, coaches as well as athletes must know that communication makes the tasks easier.  However, communication skills start with coaches. Coaches need to know do they have their athletes attention, are they easily understood when communicating. Also do athletes believe and accept what their coaches are saying. Communication goes a long way. When positive communicatiion is giving, athletes will feel they can talk with their coaches about the sport as well as everyday life situations. According to (Crookes, 1991), coaches and staff must be clear (information must presented with clarity), concise (do not lose the message, be brief), correct (no misleading information), complete (give all information, not part), courteous (polite, non threatening) and constructive (positive, not critical or negative).

CROOKES (1991) Complan Column. Athletics Coach, 25(3), p.13

K. Nolen

            Engaging athletes can be a difficult task if coaches do not have the right instinct of catching the attention of his or her athletes. Coaches can warrant that athletes are bound and aroused by receiving in return player emotional reactions, athletes truthfully devotionin understanding and grasping what is being asked to learn. There must be a continuous of energ, explainations, player demostrations of skills (recognizing and recalling of all being learned). Coaches will see whether or not they have their athletes attention. However, coaches must must bring the same enthusiam to practices and games in order to keep athletes hearts and minds devoted to their position and team. When athletes hearts and minds are devoted, it brings upon great performance individually and the team overall achieve better. Everyone on a team wants to be rewarded and have some type of positive input.

K. Nolen
            According to www.merrian-webster.com dictionary, the term "sportsmanship" is define as "conduct (as fairness, respect for one's opposite and graciousness iin winning or losing) becoming to one participating in a sport". This a topic that is often brought up and discussed in various sporting arenas; yet, I don't believe that it is taught to the extent that is should be. When dealing with younger athletes in sports, it is imperative to teach them the value of being a "good sport"; as well as how to exemplify the characteristics of good sportsmanship. Some of those values include gaining self control, having fun, but more importantly becoming a better athlete. Overall, good sportsmanship is about respect, discipline, and playing by the rules. On the other hand, parents must show the sportsmanship characteristic as well. No matter if its their child or someone elses child. Children are very observant to what their parents do or say as well as to what other parents do or say too. Once mastering the practice of good sportsmanship, one can realize that it is okay if you don't win every game; as long as one has tried his or her best. Ultimately, it is the love of the game that outweighs the final outcome.
            According to Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesaurus "Burnout" is define as "a state of emotional exhaustion from mental stress. No one wants to experience burnout, whether being an athlete or non athlete. When figuring out how many days and hours an athlete practices at TDBA, Inc; athletes workload is looked at for the week. There is always a view of whether schools are taken state wide exams or end of the quarter tests. Also there is the view of as to how much (quanity) or how well (quality) an athlete is doing. Is the athlete getting a proper meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), getting enough sleep, focusing on school or completing tasks that are required of them. All these areas are looked at on a whole and individual level when deciding if the athlete is
Everyone has heard the word "Safety" on many occasions. Safety is known as a prevention of accidents and the alleviation of personal injury or property damage that may occur. In the sports industry, safety is a main concern of coaches, athletes and family. There are many accidents that can happen in sports, that can be prevented with the help of proper attire, safe environments, pre-warmups, and post cool downs. The proper attire consists of wearing the right gear for the sport of choice. If the weather is cold, the athlete should have on layers and if it's hot the athlete should have on sunscreen. Safe environments consists of playing feilds kept from holes, lumps and for courts, they should be wood or rubber not concrete. Spillage of any liquid should not be on courts. Pre-warmups starts before the actual sport. Stretches, jumping jacks and jogging in place gets the muscles warmed up. At the end of the actual sport athletes should cool down by walking and doing the proper stretches. This allows the body to gradually calm down and the body will less likely have cramps or pulls from any muscle.
             When playing the sport of basketball, coaches need to be prepared to teach their players execution in special game situations. Players need to understand how to carry out certain strategies in order to run plays which results in winning the game. The playbooks need to be reviewed, drills done over and over, goals put forward and advice need to given to make the effort work. Goals such as, what direction the team is headed; What is the team trying to accomplish; and will the team go about accomplishing it's goals? In all, there needs to strategic planning and execution put into effect in order for teams to be successful. Without teams encountering a execution motive,they will be blown away by teams that are understanding what is needed to get the job done.

K. Nolen
When there is teamwork, clarity of directions and priorities are amongst a team. Individuals who are involved with a particular team is working as one towards one goal. Dealing with all sports, not just one, managers and coaches always view teamwork when it comes to their players. They look at how players encourage and support each other, do players know their roles off and on their game turfs, and are players committed to improving the team performance as a whole, to name a few. No one wants to be afiliated with a  team that fails to committ to certain goals that are needed to be accomplished, ensure lack of confidence or have fear between coaches and players. Having teamwork, guarantees a team to have a positive outcome in any situation. Like the saying states "Teamwork makes the Dream work".

K. Nolen
Everyone has heard the saying "Practice makes Perfect" no matter what their life career or job consist of. As for individuals whom played or play their sport of choice hear the saying constintely. The saying is considered to be a learning method to instill as a motivator that improve one in a particular sport, which helps gain skills to make them great. As for the game of basketball, there are many fundamentals needed in order to be a sucessful coach, player, etc. 
    Along with practicing comes reinforcement of someone who has excell in the skills as an informant, that helps others to gain progress to be successful. Guidance is always needed to be great in any career or job. 
        That is why there is a need for an instructional settings, so that when it is performance time those skill are showcase. The way someone practice is the way they will perform.  Practicing the skill as if one is performing is necessary. Practicing the skills with full attention and energy just like one would do if they are performing will be seen as a person whom is focus and determine to make a difference. Without instructional guidance, there is tragedy within. Always practice to be better and overcome difficulty that comes at times.
K. Nolen

        When being introduced to a new environment, it can be freighting or exciting for someone. Change is always seen uncomfortanble at the beginning, due to previous experiences. Becoming accustomed to the sports industry brings along many aspects and needs that are seen to be tackled if one wants to succeed. A persons visit or new job always is prepared to go without bumps and flats in the transition, however it can be different. 
        If the person giving the tour or directions is positive and willing to give guidance, the transition can be smooth for the newcomer. No one wants to be thrown to the wolves. This is an accident waiting to happen for the organization and newcomer as well. The newcomer should not be set aside to view things on their own, unless previous tours or guidance are given. 
        It may take up to three weeks to a month or more for the newcomer to be accustom to the organization, depending on the job. That is where the newcomer orientation comes in. Within the orientation the newcomer should be given the overall concern about the organization, advice, positive shadows to follow and handbooks. Most of all there needs to be a probation period, so the newcomer isn't overwhelmed by the new transition and all that it brings, such as the different personalities of others. The probation period can be strenuous to some and can be energectically to others. That is why it gives everyone involved a chance to view the strength and weaknesses of each other and the organization. 
        Take note of everything that concern the newcomer as well as the organization as a whole in order to make the transition positive and welcoming. While doing so the transition will go well for the organization and the newcomer will feel great to be another addition to the sports industry within the organization.

K. Nolen